Sunday, May 30, 2010

Growing old and Growing pains

If only I had the energy and stamina of a 2 year old. Always on the go and eager for the next challenge. Well I am eager for the next challenge in my mind, but my body says different. Gardening went well for the first couple hours, but by noon, the sun and heat had zapped my energy and my body was refusing to cooperate. Carpel tunnel limits the full use of both hands for me.
BUT...I got all my flowers planted from my startings, added to that, I planted 2 types of parsley, lavendar, spinach, onions, and more flowers from seed. I have green beans, later lettuce and radishes left to plant, as well as some more sweet corn. Just run out of umphf to finish up with the sun beating down and the humidity rising. By 1:30, I had packed everything up, had transplantings watered, put things away and headed home to the air conditioning, and a house to rearrange and clean after the 2 and half month house guests visit.
Got home and revived by cooling down, eating lunch, and contemplating where to start for the next challenge facing me. Motivation was background noise of HGTV's home shows on remodeling and transforming inside and out.
Morning will find me going at it again, hoping for the energy and the physical part of me to get the rest of the seeds planted and the house finished up before the kids get home from there weekend visit to Dave's brother and family. I have missed little Kiley, but know she loves spending time with other Grandma, so looking forward to hearing how much fun she had from the kids, as well as holding her and asking her if she had fun and watching the sparkles in her eyes and hearing her tell me in her baby talk the things she did.

1 comment:

  1. I get tired out just listening to all you accomplish in a few short hours!
    Reading your HGTV note, I realized my tv had quit. Power could not be out as computer is on. Time to investigate.
    Yes, you have to share the baby with her other Grandma. There is love enough for all.


In my Attic

What you are about to read is things from my life in the real world as well as thoughts from my attic.
Attic: Storage space at the top of my head.
Some things will be just off the top of my head too. Beware, no view warnings will appear on posts. Enter my blog at your own risk.